Close Sales-Assisted Deals Faster with FastSpring’s Hubspot Integration

Braden Steel
Braden Steel • Senior Product Marketing Manager
September 23rd, 2024
Estimated read time: 3 minutes, 12 seconds

We recently announced our new Hubspot integration as a part of our improved B2B offering. Today, let’s dive deeper into the feature itself and see exactly what it offers and how it can improve your sales-assisted transactions while using FastSpring as your Merchant of Record.

If you’re interested in using the Hubspot integration with FastSpring reach out to our sales team or submit a ticket to our customer team here.

Our new integration simplifies the operational management of your products, pricing, and user accounts via automatic data transfer from our systems to and from Hubspot. This allows for a combination of FastSpring’s powerful payments and subscription management while allowing Hubspot to remain in place as your CRM.

The integration comprises of three parts: 

  • Product Sync from FastSpring to Hubspot
  • User Account Creation and Updates Sync to Hubspot
  • Quote Generation in FastSpring From Deals in Hubspot and Deal Update after the Quote is paid in FastSpring

Product Sync from FastSpring to Hubspot

Syncing products from FastSpring to Hubspot is easy once you’ve toggled on your integration. Once connected, we create an authenticated, secure token to pull over all key product data from FastSpring like product name, price, SKU and more. Your team then has the ability to create products in FastSpring and those products will automatically be pushed over to Hubspot. And, any product updates are also automatically pushed.

Why should you care?

This integration streamlines back office processes by ensuring that your sales team is always operating with the most accurate product data for the deals they’re working. This accuracy creates better revenue forecasting for deals and more clarity for your teams as they’re calculating what to offer their prospects.

User Account Creation and Updates Sync to Hubspot

In addition to syncing your products, user account information syncs automatically to Hubspot from activity in FastSpring. That means that when a user creates an account on your site through the purchase of a product or a sales deal, FastSpring automatically sends that information over to Hubspot and either creates a new user account, or updates the information in Hubspot as needed.

Why should you care?

This allows your team to quickly see what products are being used by users from within Hubspot and opens up cross-sell and upsell opportunities for your sales team.

Quote Generation in FastSpring from Hubspot Deals

Sales teams are always going to perform better when they can use the systems they’re already familiar with. Now, instead of having to use a secondary quoting system in addition to Hubspot, our new integration allows your team to automatically generate quotes in FastSpring when they create a deal in Hubspot. This works via an automatic push of data from the information created in the deal. This includes which account, product SKUs and quantity, pricing, and more. 

Why should you care?

Once a quote is generated, it is emailed to the prospect for further conversation. This not only leverages the FastSpring’s built-in product catalog and payment options, but also eliminates the need for manual quote generation and emailing resulting in faster deal processing and ultimately, contributing to a higher close rate. 

Customers can accept and pay the quote which will in turn update the Hubspot deal to reflect that it has been closed.

Close Deals Faster with FastSpring x Hubspot Today

With FastSpring’s Hubspot integration, close your sales-led opportunities faster. Plus, instantly expand your B2B SaaS business worldwide, all in one place without the headache of global sales tax and compliance. Accept the top 98% of payment methods in 185 countries, including low-cost options like ACH and SEPA and use our powerful invoicing, quoting, and payments tools in addition to your Hubspot integration.

Want to learn more about how to use FastSpring’s Hubspot integration? Let’s chat today.

Braden Steel

Braden Steel

Braden is the Senior Product Marketing Manager for FastSpring. When he's not bringing new products to market, he spends his time writing fantasy novels.

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