[Latest Release] FastSpring Develops Embedded Store

June 9th, 2010
Estimated read time: 1 minute, 15 seconds

FastSpring is pleased to announce its release of in-app purchasing via an embedded web store SDK. The SDK is currently available for Mac products and will be ready for Windows products as well by the end of summer.

While FastSpring’s focus is online stores, we also offer a way for end-users to purchase within a software application itself without ever visiting a browser. Our embedded store provides an entirely in-app instant gratification experience, reduces support costs by allowing vendors to store registration codes/serial numbers without requiring user interaction, and reduces the risk that the user gets “sidetracked” or runs into any web-based issues while browsing your web store.

Offering an embedded store keeps things close to home; the user can purchase while using a trial version, or even upgrade versions, without having to go outside the application. All of these benefits can really make a difference. Some clients have reported as much as a 5% increase on their conversion rate when they included an in-app purchase option for their customers in addition to their browser-based web store.

Whether you’re selling a new version, upgrades or cross-sells, your customers will always be able to purchase through this method. Unlike some other solutions, FastSpring’s embedded store has all the same functionality that FastSpring web stores have, so you’re essentially adding all of the features of your FastSpring web store right into your software.

You can download the SDKs at github, which include full source code. For more information, please visit our Developers page.

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