How to Increase Sales Volume by Offering Free Software

Caitie Gonzalez
Caitie Gonzalez
February 18th, 2021
Estimated read time: 2 minutes, 47 seconds

Maybe you’ve watched as your peers sent an announcement offering yet another free software product. From what you can see, it seems to be working. The strategy brings in loyal customers, who then become repeat buyers or long-term subscribers.

But here you are, not sure if you should do the same. You may have considered offering one or more of your products for free, but maybe you’re lacking the insights to know how to take action.

Luckily, FastSpring is here to help. We analyzed millions of transactions that run through our platform every single day to uncover trends and best practices that can help you offer free software and increase your sales volume. 


  • Introducing your product to new people who were previously unfamiliar with it.
  • Inspiring loyalty by offering something of value for no cost.
  • Encouraging repeat customers and more sales through word of mouth.
  • Driving attention to your product. 

Keep reading to learn how you can offer free software to your customers without sacrificing revenue. 

3 Ways to Offer Free Software to Your Customers

Offer Free Software With Purchase 

One of the most popular tactics that ecommerce stores use to get customers to spend more is offering a free product with purchase. This could mean giving customers one free item with a bundle of software, a feature that Fastspring offers, or giving away something for free after spending a certain amount.  

The idea isn’t just giving them something for free for the sake of being free, however. It should be something that motivates people to spend even more. Ideally, your free product will be so enticing that it encourages them to purchase whatever it takes to get the free product!

Surprise Coupons

A surprise coupon is a popular way to perk up people’s interest and get them talking about your product or service. It’s as simple as offering a coupon code that customers need to enter to see its value. The luckiest of winners will get a 100% free product. 

Free-Trial Samples

If you’ve ever taken a trip to Costco, then you know the appeal of samples. There’s something wonderfully exciting about getting to try out something for no cost. The idea is getting a customer to try out your product, find out they love it and can’t possibly live without it, and become repeat customers! 
This can be as simple as offering a free trial of your digital product. You can either do a limited trial for a set amount of days or provide a freemium version of your product or service that entices trailers to purchase so they can unlock additional features.

Start Implementing an Effective Free Product Promotion of Your Own

In our recent study, the millions of transactions analyzed provided valuable insight into just how effective promotions like offering free software are at increasing demand. The results were surprising in many parts of the world, particularly Ukraine. The study determined that product demand increased significantly from its regular price to when it was free of charge.

For a more in-depth look at the metrics of similar industries compared to your own, consider downloading FastSpring’s Essential Guide to Effective Software Promotions. Having comprehensive data in front of you will help you decide the best promotion strategies for boosting your sales.

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Get a free account and see why FastSpring is the ecommerce partner of choice for software providers around the world. Try our full-service ecommerce solution today to unlock revenue growth for your online company.