Top 5 Benefits Of A Great Ecommerce Platform

March 3rd, 2017
Estimated read time: 2 minutes, 45 seconds

You know that you need to adopt an ecommerce platform to sell within your website, but should you move beyond the bare minimum required to a truly great platform? What are the advantages of ensuring that you’ve adopted a fantastic platform? Let’s break down the pros of choosing a highly rated platform to conduct commerce on your website.

One great way to determine whether or not the platform you’ve chosen is highly rated among users is to check out our download, User Satisfaction Ratings, which we created with help from the folks at G2 Crowd. This is an easy-to-read, unbiased ranking of their users’ top reviewed ecommerce platforms, making your choice easier than ever before.

Advantages Of An Excellent Ecommerce Platform

1. You get exemplary customer service.

And that customer service doesn’t just apply to you, but to your users, too. You want an ecommerce platform that will reflect well upon your brand; if your customers feel that they aren’t getting great service, it’s possible that they won’t be back again. The same goes for implementing the software— if you don’t feel that the platform is well supported, ensuring that you’re able to set it up with your in-house team, why should you inflict it on your consumers?

2. The platform is easy to administrate.

Do you want to spend more time than necessary making changes within your platform? Nope. How do you avoid wasting hours, if not days, fiddling with your software? Find a platform that’s easy to administrate in the first place. FastSpring is proud to report that we rated a 93% in Ease of Admin among G2 Crowd users—the highest score among all the platforms reviewed.

3. It’s simple for you and your customers to use.

A well-developed and well-designed platform will be easy for you and consumers to use, making their experience as pleasant as possible. (You’ll find it much more pleasant, too, when you don’t spend your days trying to walk customers through what should be a simple process.) Pick a product that scores high in Ease of Use, or you might find yourself regretting it.

4. There’s a lot less downtime.

If you choose a platform that’s functioning at a higher level, you’ll see a major boost in your site’s performance. Your customers won’t be deterred by an error message, preventing them from completing their purchase (and let’s be honest—they’ll probably take their business elsewhere), and you won’t be spending your valuable time trying to troubleshoot your platform. Instead, you can focus on the projects you prefer to work on, like improving your customers’ experience on your website.

5. Your platform will be more secure.

Everyone who does business on the internet is painfully aware that security is of primary importance. News of a data breach can sink your business faster than you can imagine. So, it’s vital that you choose a platform that will keep your clients’ information locked up tight, ensuring that they will continue to shop safely. Taking time to do your homework now will save you a giant headache in the long run.

Are you ready to take the plunge, and purchase an ecommerce platform that will be advantageous for your business? Before you jump, download our User Satisfaction Ratings comparison to ensure that you’re getting the platform that will be best for you. 

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