Press Kit

Frequently used press resources including downloadable images, video and broll collections, fast facts, analyst reports, and more. Images include select product box shots and screenshots, hardware images, and logos of FastSpring.

1920 x 1080 – White Background
1920 x 1080 – Transparent Background
160 x 160 – White Background
160 x 160 – Transparent Background

Rotating Globe – Creative Asset
Integration GIF Asset
Mailchimp Static Asset

Company Overview

David Nachman, CEO
David Vogelpohl, CMO
Louise Cherry Barber, VP, People and Culture
Mansoor Bajowala, CCO
Mark Kole, CRO
Mark Lambert, CFO
Nilendu Misra, CPTO

Videos & Broll

FastSpring Brand
What is FastSpring?
What is a merchant of record?

Custom Stories

Fasts About FastSpring