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We understand how important it is to make the most of every sale. This is why we developed a new feature to make it easier-than-ever to display cross-sell offers in the built-in shopping cart for Popup Storefronts.

Keep reading to learn more about this new cross-selling feature available now in FastSpring’s most innovative checkout, the Popup Storefront.

What’s new?

We’re excited to announce yet another innovation to our conversion-optimized Popup Storefront. You can now configure cross-sells to be displayed in the cart during checkout, enabling buyers to easily add items to their order before completing their purchase—all without ever leaving your website.

How do I enable it?

This functionality is available now for all current FastSpring sellers using a Popup Storefront! If you are already using the Popup Storefront Cart and have cross-sells configured for your products, no additional configuration is required. Buyers will automatically see those cross-sells on the cart during checkout. Otherwise, follow these simple steps to add cross-sells to your Popup Storefront:

1. Make sure you have the shopping cart enabled in Popup Storefront Settings.

2. Add a cross-sell offer to your product(s). You can add one or multiple products as cross-sells.

3. That’s it! Your customers will now see these cross-sell offers on the Cart when checking out. If there are multiple products in the cart, all cross-sell offers configured for those products will be displayed. Buyers can easily page through the cross-sells via left/right buttons and click the “Add” button to add any or all of them to the cart.

Note, you must have a Popup Storefront with the built-in shopping cart enabled in order to display cross-sells. Take a look at this knowledge base article to learn how to enable the shopping cart on a Popup Storefront.

Not a FastSpring seller yet? Request a demo today to see how FastSpring’s full-service ecommerce platform can help you deliver a world-class shopping experience that increases revenue by 30 percent for more.