Black Lives Matter: Our Commitment to Ending Racism and Hate

June 11th, 2020
Estimated read time: 1 minute, 12 seconds

We cannot stand idly by as systemic oppression, inequality, and racism continue to plague our nation at all levels. The tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others are symptoms of centuries of racist, unjust treatment against Black people and other marginalized communities.

We refuse to act like this issue is not happening in our communities. We know this statement is long overdue but absolutely necessary: We unequivocally oppose racism, state-sanctioned violence, and white supremacy in all forms.

We’re in this for the long haul. We are backing up our words with actionable plans to use our voices, resources, and influence to oppose discrimination in all forms.

At FastSpring, we are committing to:

  • Implementing anti-racism and bias training for the leadership team and all employees
  • Donating one dollar for every dollar processed through our platform for a period of 8 minutes and 46 seconds to signify the time period of the horrendous event that has acted as a worldwide catalyst for change. Donations will be given to:
  • Matching employee contributions to the social justice organizations of their choice
  • Establishing an employee-led committee focused on diversity and inclusion at FastSpring

We will continue to stand in solidarity with Black people and all other marginalized communities to fight for a future of justice and equality. This is only the beginning.

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