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FastSpring’s Employee Spotlight is a Q&A series that features the hardworking, intelligent, and fun people that make FastSpring great. Get to know the fantastic team behind the ecommerce platform!

What is your current role at FastSpring?

I am the Support Team Lead at FastSpring. My job has to do with problem-solving for our sellers and their consumers. Not only do I get to breakdown the support tickets and find the best way to help them with the problem, I also serve as a resource for our other support reps.

How long have you been at FastSpring?

I’ve been at FastSpring for over 10 years now. I actually just hit the 10-year mark last December. The company was growing so much when I joined that I wanted to stick with it long-term. Every day is a new challenge and comes with its own problems to solve which is great because I love problem-solving.

What did you do before FastSpring/How did you get to where you are today?

I was the VP of Membership at the Blair County Chamber of Commerce. The role included a lot of face time with the members to ensure they were taken care of and everything was running smoothly. It was a great job, but when I moved away from Pennsylvania I realized the role that FastSpring was offering was exactly the kind of work I wanted to be involved with.

What inspired you to join FastSpring?

You get so much gratification from just interacting with people and being able to solve their problems. There’s always an opportunity to help someone which is what drew me to the role at FastSpring originally. When I was brought on by one of our founders, Ken White, his passion for the business was inspirational to me and to my work.

What excites you every day about working at FastSpring?

The problem-solving part is the most exciting for me. There’s always a new challenge and person I can help and the gratification for being able to help them with a problem is so rewarding.

Describe a favorite memory of your time at FastSpring.

I have LOTS of them. The first year I worked for FastSpring, online purchases had not taken on the magnitude that they have today. During my first year working for FastSpring, I hadn’t met my boss, Ken White, in person yet. I ended up meeting Ken at a conference we both attended. He was the nicest guy and from there on FastSpring really took off as a company which was awesome to see in action.

What is something you learned at FastSpring that you would like to pass on?

I would say to always remember that it takes a village. When FastSpring started growing and more people came along, I started to realize that the new resources we had made our processes so much more efficient and creative. My perception of teamwork has changed so much since I started working at FastSpring.

When did you first begin working in customer success and when did you start to grow a passion for it?

I’ve always been in a role that was geared towards customer success. Once I started working for FastSpring and saw how passionate everyone was about creating the best customer experience, it really grew as a passion for me.

What are some of the challenges that you face in your role at FastSpring?

I’d have to say the biggest challenge is time. You can sit down with a support ticket and not realize that a ton of time has gone by when you’re trying to solve a problem.

What is your proudest accomplishment while working at FastSpring?

I’m most proud of something that I haven’t accomplished myself, but I’m so proud of my team. The way this team tackles any issue that comes along and how when things get tough, everyone just works harder until problems are resolved.

What are your favorite hobbies and activities outside of work?

My favorite activity is spending time with my puppy that I got this past summer, I think that life with a dog is so much better. We’ve been spending tons of time outside and training. I also do a lot of gardening, I live on almost an acre of land and I do a lot of floral gardening.

What is a fun fact most people may not know about you?

I spent five years overseeing the Blair County criminal court center. I was able to sit through all the court hearings and interact with the prisoners on a daily basis. This was an experience I’ll never forget because it gave me so much appreciation for those who work for the county and all the hard work they do.