News: US Judge Warns Google That Major Changes Will Be Imposed for Illegal Play Store Monopoly

Katie Stephan
Katie Stephan • Sr. Content Strategist
August 20th, 2024
Estimated read time: 2 minutes, 33 seconds

U.S. District Judge James Donato has warned Google that major changes will be imposed upon its Android app store after a jury determined the Play Store is operating as an illegal monopoly.

The Associated Press reports that Judge Donato suggested he may require Google to allow alternative app stores on Android devices, a move aimed at reducing Google’s dominance over app distribution and billing on its platform. This monopoly with “nearly exclusive control” generates billions annually for Google, but the court’s decision could disrupt this, with Google estimating potential costs of up to $600 million.

Google has expressed concerns that opening the Play Store to third-party app stores could expose users to security risks, leading to what the company describes as “security chaos.” Despite these concerns, Judge Donato emphasized the need for a significant overhaul, stating, “We are going to tear the barriers down; that is going to happen.”

This case is part of a broader antitrust push against Google, with another significant case regarding its search engine set to begin in September. The judge is hoping to issue an order outlining the required changes to the Play Store soon, possibly before Labor Day. 

An article from The Verge on the same topic highlights Epic Games benefiting from these results as well, with a subtitle to its article stating, “Judge James Donato will issue his final order on what Google gives — and Epic gets — in mere weeks.”

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Katie Stephan

Katie Stephan

Katie Stephan is the Senior Content Strategist at FastSpring. Besides her extensive marketing experience, she has an MFA in creative nonfiction writing and has served her local communities as a college writing instructor.

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