Estimated read time: 2 minutes, 39 seconds

There is no doubt we are in the golden age of software. Never before has it been easier to identify a need in the market and then build a piece of software that addresses that need. The pace of these cycles is getting shorter and shorter and the businesses that are being created as a result are demonstrating huge potential.

As an Operating Principal at Accel-KKR, I saw this every day. I have worked with dozens of bright founders who told themselves, “there has to be a better way to do x” and then went out and built that “better way.” My role was to eliminate the barriers to growth. It started as a fulfilling career made possible by my experience and talent, but it has evolved into a passion to do whatever it takes to help growing software companies succeed, to help solve the hardest problems they face, and to ultimately help entrepreneurs and business owners live out their dreams. I loved my job.

One of those companies building a “better way” was FastSpring. I met the business almost two years ago, and it clearly checked the box on almost every objective SaaS metric: customer loyalty, growth, profitability, team… you name it. But I was most impressed with their focus on what and who they were solving problems for. Simply put, FastSpring is focused on providing software companies with “a better way to grow.” It immediately struck a nerve.

FastSpring was started by a group of founders who understood that the challenges of selling digital products online often gets in the way of building great products—not to mention the added complexities of selling globally. This is a problem I know well. This is a problem I know is ubiquitous across all software companies with growth aspirations. This is a problem I thought didn’t have a clear solution.

Since the investment from Accel-KKR, FastSpring has been in high gear. We have expanded our global footprint, opening a new office in Amsterdam, grown the leadership team, including the addition of our new CEO, David Nachman, refreshed our website and brand, made significant investments in product, engineering, and customer support to accelerate innovation and customer success, added more than 800 new customers, and defined an ambitious strategy for the future that responds to the changing landscape of software and ecommerce. All this while continuing to deliver on our core mission to help software companies grow faster while staying lean.

Why am I leaving a job I love to join FastSpring? Simply put the opportunity to pursue my passion with an exceptional company and team that is aligned with my passion is too exciting to pass up. My commitment to the company and to our customers is to work tirelessly to remove as many barriers to growth as possible. This will require us to solve new problems quickly, to understand our customers better, and to innovate faster. These are challenges I get excited about because I know the reward for thousands of software companies and their people will be life-changing. We are entering an exciting chapter at FastSpring. This is why I am thrilled to join FastSpring as the VP of Product and Strategy.