How do I refund an order?
To refund a customer order, click on Order Search from SpringBoard’s Store Home. A search box will be revealed directly below where you clicked. Use the Order Search to find the order you want to refund.
To refund a customer order, click on Order Search from SpringBoard’s Store Home. A search box will be revealed directly below where you clicked. Use the Order Search to find the order you want to refund. You can search by:
- An order reference number (e.g. JUL120112-7119-41114)
- A subscription reference number (e.g. JUL120112-7119-41114S)
- A customer's email address
- A customer's last name
- The company name
Once you have found the order and are viewing the order, click Return / Refund Order.
Select the Refund Type:
- Full Return: refunds the entire order's purchase price
- Line Item Return: refunds the entire price of one or more products in an order, plus applicable tax
If you select a Line Item Return, check the box for any product that you want to refund. This is only an option when a customer purchases multiple products in one order.
- Partial Refund: refunds a portion of the amount of one or more products in an order, plus applicable tax
If you select to refund a partial amount, entire in the amount to refund for each product in the order. This is most commonly used when customers notify you that they forgot to enter in a coupon code during the order process.
Select the Reason Type from the options given. You can also add your own return reason by selecting Other Reason and entering your explanation in the form field that appears when this option is selected. This reason is visible to the customer.
Select whether or not you want an email to notify the customer that you have generated a return. FastSpring recommends that you select Notify Original Contact.
To complete the process, click to Confirm the refund. Once you confirm, you cannot reverse this process.
After you have confirmed the return, the details of the order will update accordingly.
Order Details After Line Item Return |
Order Details After Partial Amount Refund |
We're Here to Help
If you need any assistance with making a refund, please open a support ticket.