Upgrading, Downgrading, and Changing Subscription Plans
Each subscription product in SpringBoard is considered a subscription plan, as outlined in the Subscription Overview. You can easily switch between subscription plans and/or change quantities in the middle of a billing period. Typically, the new subscription amount will then be billed at the next recurring billing period and the billing date will remain constant. We also offer the option to perform a prorated change. The two ways to initiate a subscription plan change: via API and via SpringBoard.
Initiating a Subscription Plan Change
Subscription Change via API
Upgrades and downgrades can be initiated through the Subscription API.
Subscription Change via SpringBoard
Click on Order Search from SpringBoard’s Store Home. A search box will be revealed directly below where you clicked. Use the Order Search to find the order you want to refund. You can search by:
- An order reference number (e.g. JUL120112-7119-41114)
- A subscription reference number (e.g. JUL120112-7119-41114S)
- A customer's email address
- A customer's last name
- The company name
Once you have found the order and are viewing the order, click on the Subscription, and then click Edit.
You can change the Product and Quantity for the subscription. Optionally, you can also apply a discount for the change by selecting the checkbox, but you must have the discount with coupon code setup ahead of time. Set the Duration to be the number of subscription periods this offer will be applied to, which will start at the beginning of the next billing period. Enter in the applicable Coupon code.
If necessary, select Allow Prorated Refund to reimburse the customer for their current use of their subscription plan. For more information, see Prorating when Upgrading or Downgrading Subscription Plans. When you have made your changes, click Confirm.
You will see a side-by-side comparison of the Subscription Now (before changes) and the Subscription After Changes. If you are satisfied with the change, click Confirm.
Changing a Subscription Plan that has an End Date
A subscription can get an end date by initially setting a specific number of billing periods in SpringBoard, by editing the subscription inside SpringBoard, or by canceling it at the end of the period.
If you change a subscription plan that has an end date set, it will remove that end date if the new plan is unlimited. If the new plan is limited to a number of billing periods, the end date calculation will be at the end of this period. For example. if the current subscription period ends on October 12, 2013 and you change to a new monthly plan that is limited to two billing periods, the new end date will be December 12, 2013.
We're Here to Help
If you need assistance with upgrading, downgrading, or changing a subscription plan, please open a support ticket. For more information on prorated refunds to customers, see Prorating when Upgrading or Downgrading Subscription Plans.