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User Roles and Types of Access for Multiple Accounts in SpringBoard

FastSpring offers multiple user roles within SpringBoard to allow different types of access to your account. You can create unique user accounts for each employee in your company to restrict access or to enable user activity tracking. To add a new user to your account, go to SpringBoard's Store Home » Account. Click Users and then click Add User.

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User Roles and Types of Access



This account is no different than the initial Administrator user that is created for a new account. It will have full access to make changes to the store and account.

Store Administrator

This type of user will have the same control over a single store as an Account Administrator, except it will not have access to the Accounting section. This user has no access to payment methods, payment information, rate information, your store balance, split accounts, etc.  This user role is appropriate for someone who needs to setup and maintain the store, and who does not, or should not, have access to financials.


In addition to order information, this user will have access to the Accounting and Reports sections.

Store Maintainer

This account user type has access to all functionality in SpringBoard for a single store except for reporting and accounting. This role allows you to grant access to employees or developers to allow them to make technical changes to the setup of your store (such as updating products), while preventing them from seeing information relating to sales that you might want to keep private.

Store Marketing (with Reports)

In addition to order information, this user will have access to the Reports section, as well as some information located in the Promotions and Appearances section, including offers and link sources.


Store Marketing (without Reports)

In addition to order information, this user will have access to some information located in the Promotions and Appearances section, including offers and link sources. This user with not have access to the Reports section.


Store Reporting

In addition to order information, this user will have access to the Reports section.


Store Order Support

This user can perform order related activities, including an order search, refunding an order, looking up a license code, and processing a purchase order. All other functionality of your store is hidden from this user.


Limited API User

This user would not be able to log in to your store in SpringBoard. Instead, the user can interact with FastSpring's Order APIand Subscription API. This would be a good user role to assign to someone who is the developer for your application. The username and password for this user would be used in code to access the various functions of the API.

We're Here to Help

If you have any questions regarding user roles and types of access, please open a support ticket.