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How to Apply an Offer to a Select Group of Products

By default, unless you have specific conditions set up, all discounts and coupons are applied to all products in your store. Often, it is more desirable to have a discount that only works with one or a few products. To accomplish this task, you need to add Tags to your product(s) and add a Condition to the discount.

Depending on how many products you offer and to how many of those products you want the discount applied, this can be accomplished in two ways: (a) by adding tags to the products onto which you want the discount applied or (b) by adding tags to the products onto which you do not want the discount applied. Both options will work, but, in an effort to save you time, we suggest you pick the option that requires adding Tags to the least number of products.

Adding Tags to a Product 

Go to SpringBoard's Store Home » Products and Pages. Select the product onto which you would like (or would not like) the discount applied. Click Edit in the General header. 


Scroll down to Tags and enter in a simple tag name. You will need to know this Tag name for the next process, so make sure you write it down somewhere. In our example, we could either add the Tag discountoffer to products for which we wanted the discount applied or the Tag nodiscountoffer to products for which we do not want the discount applied. Tags should be lowercase letters, and cannot include numbers or spaces. Click Save.


Repeat this process with all of the products onto which you would like (or would not like) the discount applied.

Applying a Condition to an Offer

In SpringBoard, go to Promotions and Appearance » Offers » Select the discount to which you want to apply restrictions. Click Edit. Select Order Environment Condition and click Next.

Note: If you are creating a new offer, you cannot add an Order Environment Condition until you set up the offer's details and click Next. Then you will be able to click Edit and add the Condition.


If you added Tags to the products where you want the discount applied, enter that tag in Target Product Has Tag under Applies When.


If you added Tags to the products where you do not want to discount applied, enter that tag in Target Product Has Tag under Does Not Apply When.


We're Here to Help

If you need assistance with applying an offer to a select group of products, please open a support ticket.