Reset License Links
The secure license links created for File Fulfillment, which are sent to your customer in an Email Fulfillment, are limited by the number of download attempts and a time period for which they are valid. The number of download attempts and time period for which it is available for use are based upon the file size, and we are unable to modify these restrictions. The limits on download attempts and time are based on our experience in balancing support versus security.Downloaded License Restrictions
Downloaded licenses will expire seven days after the license is sent in an Email Fulfillment. The number of attempts, which ranges from four attempts to fourteen attempts, is limited by the file size. The larger the file, the more likely there may be download problems, and the more attempts a customer may need to complete the download.
How to Reset Expired Downloaded License Links
To reset expired file license links, click on Order Search from SpringBoard’s Store Home. A search box will be revealed directly below where you clicked. Use the Order Search to find the order that has the download link you want to reset. You can search by:
- An order reference number (e.g. JUL120112-7119-41114)
- A subscription reference number (e.g. JUL120112-7119-41114S)
- A customer's email address
- A customer's last name
- The company name
Under Order Items, there is a small black icon of a lock, indicating a license associated with the ordered product. Click it and then click Reset.
You can either directly email the license to your customer yourself or you can resend the notification. If you want to use SpringBoard's Resend Notification, select the Fulfillment Emails checkbox under To Customer and click Confirm.
We can also reset the license links for you or your customers. If you wish, you can include the address of our buyer support page,, in your Email Fulfillment, and that way customers will contact us if they experience any license issues.